Now that I’m home from that camping trip to Ainsworth State Park and the Columbia River, let’s take a break from traveling, from visiting new sites and seeing new sights, from talking with people and experiencing new things out in the world.
This blog post is simply a sampling of photos that I love. All are from the internet. None of the photos are mine. You should be able to click on each one to enlarge it. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed some of those as much as I do.
Over the past few months, someone in Hong Kong has been reading this blog almost daily. Welcome! That means 41 countries are represented by people who read this blog. That’s mighty impressive and I am most grateful.
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My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who travels the road with me through this blog. Blessings to us all!
That train in the snow reminds me of the Hiawatha Line in Montana where they used to run electric train engines in the winter. It was too cold for steam engines to generate enough steam to operate in the winter. Now it is a great rail trail.
I have another friend (besides you) who loves trains. The train in the photo in this blog is actually Canadian but runs through the same sort of territory that the trains in Montana run through, the same winter cold. I know nothing about electric trains being run instead of steam, but I learned something, thank you! I will now likely spend a few hours today online reading about that. Dusting and vacuuming and such are SO over-rated. 🙂
I enjoyed the puctures! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
Oops, pictures
Hmm, a new word! Ahhh, I knew you meant pictures. Sometimes these keyboards just act up, don’t they? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Ginger.
I love the mountains reflected in the lake!
Oh, I do too! 🙂
So many amazing photos – which reflect how amazing YOU are. Wish the hug of the kitty and puppy could envelope the world with love and peace! Sparkle
Oh my aren’t you nice, Cris! And gosh do I wish the same thing that you do, for the whole world. Love and peace and a bit of kindness. Merry Christmas to you and Maddie and to that beautiful classic Chris-Craft named Sparkle. 🙂
I keep changing my mind about my favoarite photo … the squirrels (hilarious), the horses (wow), that tiger (holy c**p!), or the gorilla (wonder what he thinks about us). All the kids and grandkids just left the house. We love them but it’s now so peaceful. Best wishes to everyone reading this!
I think you picked the favorites of mine too, Tim … though that photo of the cat and the book reader ALWAYS makes me chuckle.
My very best wishes to you and to everyone reading here. I hope everyone had a wonderful and peaceful day. Feliz Navidad!