I have a new friend! Not too long ago, I drove up to Canada to visit friends there for a few days. I arrived and carried my bags into their guest bedroom … and found this little bunny rabbit lounging on my bed.
“Hi,” she said, “I’d like to be your friend. Would you like to be my friend?”

Such a happy bunny! How could I say no? So I said yes. 🙂
One of my Canadian friends is a fabulous quilter and knitter and seamstress, etc. Her work is art. She knit Bunny! As small as Bunny is, still, even her shirt and her coveralls are each separate items, so they can each be removed to be cleaned or repaired. Bunny is obviously a garderner and a good worker! There’s even a button (and a button hole) on the shirt collar that allows the shirt neckline to open up so the shirt can be taken off over her head. And yes, the two buttons that you can see on her coveralls in the photo above are real buttons and fasten into button holes … they aren’t just sewn on. And of course Ms. Bunny has a bushy white tail that’s cute as all get out.
My friend knit her and stuffed her and shaped her, and put a smile on her face. And then my friend gave her to me. I was so surprised and so impressed. Ms. Bunny warms my heart every time I see her.
At the end of my visit up north, I left my friends in Canada and headed home to the USA. Ms. Bunny came along with me in my big white truck as I traveled home. She and Little Towhee are getting to know each other and becoming fast friends. She fits right in.
Ever since Ms. Bunny arrived in her new home with me here in the USA, I’ve been finding Ms. Bunny (I have to find out what her first name is!) in all manner of different places around the house including, one time, on the kitchen counter (photo below) with one arm wrapped around a bottle of Canadian whisky! She told me she was a Canadian, born and raised there (well for a few weeks anyway, while she was being knit together by my Canadian friend). She told me that, as soon as she spotted my bottle of Canadian whisky, she especially felt right at home and very much welcomed here in the USA. I was a little concerned that she might figure out how to open that bottle, but given her size I figured it would not be a problem … and it wasn’t.
You can see that she can even stick her little paws in her pockets (and she likes to do that, especially when her paws are cold). She’s quite the jolly bunny and is always in a good mood.
And then time went on.
And chores got done.
And bills got paid.
And laundry got washed.
And the windows in my new home were replaced with wonderful new vinyl-clad thermal windows.
And all manner of other life events happened.
just yesterday …
I walked into the kitchen to find this ….
Obviously, Ms. Bunny had figured out how to open that bottle!

Oh my my my my my …. I believe new rules will be put in place very soon.
I used to travel with a little teddy bear named Trusty Rusty (I was traveling in a 23 yr old VW Westphalia – so I was hopi g he would lend some trustworthiness to the rusty old van!). Anyway, he used to show up in some strange spots as well. He espe finally liked to photobomb my pics of places I was visiting
Trusty Rusty sounds great. I bet he loved traveling with you … and jumping into the middle of your photos on occasion. Our traveling companions are just super, aren’t they? 🙂
Even after the rye – he is still smiling!
Oh yes indeed, he was smiling! He was one happy bunny rabbit.
Well, I’ll bet that Mr. Bunny won’t be all “hippity hoppity” once that hangover kicks in!!
LOL! I love “hippity hoppity”. And I bet you’re correct Bob. The morning after won’t be so pretty.
I was thinking that too, Bob. Mr. Bunny won’t be smiling so big once he wakes up! Fun post Ann.
Thanks Shawn. In fact, Mr. Bunny has now awoke, and he has much more of a hang-dog look than a hippity hoppity look. Poor guy. He and I will talk when he’s feeling a bit better.
I do a bit hand work too. That bunny is amazing and amazingly well done. I’m not sure I could do that if I tried. My hats off to your Canadian friend!
She reads this blog Ruth, so she’ll see your compliment. Coming from another fiber artist, the comment will surely mean a lot to her. I look at that bunny rabbit and, even after looking many times, I’m still amazed at the detail and the exquisite work.
Dear kind Reader Ruth,
Ann is correct! (as usual)
Your compliment meant a great deal, but credit goes to Julie Williams, Little Cotton Rabbits. wwwlittlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk
She is the genius designer, and her knitting patterns are fantastic.
Ok, we’ll give her half the credit, the design is exquisite. But, Robin, you did the very detailed work of creating Mr. Bunny so we’re going to continue to give you credit too, and very well deserved. 🙂
Of, you need to watch Mr. Bunny closely. Hopefully, we won’t soon see him with a pack of camel cigarettes rolled up in the right hand sleeve of his T-shirt. I hope that we all won’t be participating in an intervention for Mr. Bunny anytime soon. I know you are a good and concerned parent and will take very good care of him. Look at how long you kept me on the straight and narrow. I turned out pretty well, thanks to your discipline. Well, first you and then Wendie. Good luck with Mr. Bunny!!
p.s. You can always restrict his carrots……
Ha! No, no cigarettes! Tho that does take me back. From how Mr. Bunny looked today after waking up from his earlier “party time”, I strongly suspect that Mr. Bunny will mend his ways. He was one sorry sight today.
Keeping you on the straight and narrow gave me good practice for dealing with Mr. Bunny, that’s for sure Bob. Hmmm, the two of you do kind of look alike, don’t you? Ask Wendie what she thinks. Maybe it’s the ears?
(Readers … Bob and I enjoyed having our two boats moored right next to each other for several years, we became fast friends.)
Oh Mr. Bunny! Please tell me it was a one time thing and you aren’t sneaking more every night when we aren’t looking! If so, there are groups to help you. We are all here to support you because you are just so darn cute!
Isn’t he the cutest? 🙂 Well, not so much this morning, but ordinarily he is the cutest. I even offered to let him type a response to you Dawn, but he couldn’t, he just couldn’t, he really didn’t feel well. And I think that’s a good thing! I will have to find some other Canadian food that will make him feel at home that he CAN eat and drink.
Been traveling lately so been a bit slow to comment here. My wife says that the bunny rabbit “is exquisite”! She too knits lots of stuff and has for her whole life and says that really is art no question. When I think about trying to do that, it just messes with my mind, so I have to concur with my wife … it’s extraordinary.
But my message is to Mr. Bunny … don’t drink that “stuff”! A sip now and then, A OK, but I’m hoping he learned that too much is too much. What would Ann be without you?
Thanks Ann. Fun post. And that last photograph made me laugh out loud, really laugh out loud.
Hope the travels were fun, Tim.
The detail of the work in everything about Mr. Bunny simply amazes me. It’s noteworthy that your wife, who has knit all her life, was so very much impressed. The detail work really is amazing.
That last photo makes me laugh too. 🙂