Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, day 1

Monday, June 12, 2017

Gone camping!

Up early this morning and packed the last bit of stuff into the truck.  Almost everything I was taking was piled into the back seat of the truck since, even tho I had tried, I still hadn’t figured out how to pack things in the trailer so they wouldn’t slosh around or be damaged.  So for now most things lived in the back seat of the truck.  Everything was packed and off we went!


For the first time ever with the trailer in tow, I took the freeway (Highway 18 no less, for those who know how dangerous that highway has been in the past), and headed east from Tacoma, through Auburn, then towards the Cascade Mountains.  Once on the freeway, I set my speed at 45mph (checked the trailer tires in the mirrors, nope not on fire), then increased speed to 50mph (made sure the trailer wasn’t swaying), then 55mph (yep, she was still right behind me), then 60mph!  Piece of cake!  This towing thing was really easy.  Some “interesting” experiences might come along later, but this trip was easy as pie.


My route took me off the freeway at Covington, then onto a progression of smaller roads through smaller and smaller towns until, eventually, this really pretty country road above took me to the very tiny town of Kanaskat, then a half mile or so further to the even tinier town of Palmer, and then to the turn-off into the State Park and a very pretty drive past other campsites and attractive yurts and eventually to campsite #28.



And there I was.  What a beautiful spot!  I chocked the trailer wheels, made sure the trailer was level, plugged in the electric cord to make sure the outlet at that campsite worked, then disconnected the trailer from the truck, and completed the other steps needed to set up camp.

I moved most of my gear into the trailer from the back seat of the truck and started arranging things in the trailer.  Not surprisingly, Little Towhee was johnny-at-the-spot as soon as my back was turned.  She could hear those other birds out there and she wanted to join them and see the world!



Luscious green forest to the left of me.

Luscious green forest to the right of me.

Even inside the trailer, I could hear the Green River burbling along at night.  A gap in the trees allowed rays of bright sunshine to hit my trailer every morning, but I had shade in the afternoon for coolness from the summer sun.  I could see other campers down the road from me but I didn’t hear anyone except for the few times they very quietly drove past.  The “park hosts” were directly across the lane from me.  They were very outgoing and helpful when I asked my two or three questions, but respectful and quiet otherwise.

For my first camping adventure, I had packed a wee bottle of whisky for a wee toast.  After camp was properly set up and I’d had a chance to walk around a bit and take some photos, I brought out the whisky and poured a wee dram directly onto the trailer tongue and onto the truck hitch, said a few words of blessing and gratitude, and then enjoyed a wee dram myself.  Even Little Towhee got in on the act with a wee nip, and then she fell promptly and soundly asleep in her basket after her wee taste of Scottish single malt whisky.

After a long and eventful and wonderful day, by the time the dinner dishes were washed and dried and put away, I was tired.  I slept like a baby that night … likely influenced by that wee dram (or two) of whisky as well.  All was right with the world and tomorrow I would get to explore everything around me.


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2 Responses to Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, day 1

  1. Ginger D says:

    I recently found your blog (through the Bayfield Bunch). I started from the beginning and really enjoyed hearing how everything came together. So much planning that went into it.
    This is a beautiful spot for your first trip.

    • Ann says:

      Hi Ginger,
      Figuring all of this out has been a lot of fun (and some work), and it sure pays off when I go to places like Kanaskat. More adventures from this past summer will be posted soon.
      Al on the Bayfield Bunch is terrific, isn’t he?

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