My birthday day!

You can guess that I’m writing this post because I just had a birthday.  It was a great day!

Friends stopped by.  We ate and drank.  We laughed.  We told stories.  We shared love and friendship.  They saw my new trailer and ooohed and aaahed appropriately.

Friends who couldn’t stop by because of other commitments or because of distance sent regards and we made promises to connect later.

The photos here are of a few of the flowers/plants around my back patio on the big day.

What a super day to celebrate being 70 … almost an adult!  🙂

I love my life, I love my age, I love who I am and what I’m doing in life.

Here’s to each one of you too!  May you have many happy birthdays to come and may you have a perfectly peaceful life with just the right number of amazing adventures!



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11 Responses to My birthday day!

  1. Arlene says:

    Sorry we missed the festivities. Hope to connect with you again soon.

  2. Ginger D says:

    Happy Birthday Ann! You are living the good life. I hope you have many more fun birthdays.

  3. vernon says:

    Happy Birthday and I hope you have many more . As always thank you for your blog .

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY I love your flower pictures.

  5. Kristin says:

    Superb pictures!

  6. Tim in Montana says:

    Happy birthday Ann!

  7. Mister ed says:

    Happy B-day. ??????

  8. Happy belated birthday!!! 70 is (I hope) a wonderful age! I like your idea that you’re almost an adult. I have rarely felt like an adult (yet) and I’m 62. Oh there have been some things in my life that made me grow up for a time…but I still feel like one of the ‘kids’ in our family, especially when we’re all together.

    Love your flowers! I have crosimas too! They have spread so now I have them pretty much all over, as I’ve separated them and replanted them around the yard. I’ve even mailed some away to friends in Oregon and Maryland! The Oregon friend says they are blooming but they failed in Maryland. Maybe too wet where she is.

    Anyway…Happy Birthday (when you’re 70 you get to celebrate it all year. I read that on the internet so it must be true.)

  9. Jo Harmon says:

    Happy Birthday Ann! I love the yellow flowers, I love all the flowers but those are my favorite

  10. Ann says:

    Thank you, everyone! I feel so blessed and congratulated. 🙂 What a great group of folks you are. You just put the icing on the cake. Oh, well, except that I didn’t have cake because I’m not supposed to eat cake … ah me, maybe getting “older” isn’t always perfect. Thank you, everyone! 🙂

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