In March, 2024, as I’m typing this, we’re still in late winter here. During these colder months where I live, I spend time maintaining and improving the interior of my home and digging through papers and photos and clothes and boxes of “whatever”. I try to throw things out, or recycle them, or donate them. I’m doing better at that than I used to! π
The other day I came across an entire box full of poems and jokes that my mother had saved. She saved them by typing them on paper using her old 1950’s typewriter (not old to her!). I will scan a few and share them with you. The ink and type style certainly isn’t as clear as Microsoft Word but they were typed by my mother’s own hand. And her typing is perfect. π So, here are a few of my momma’s favorite text quotes … and a few of my favorite digital images from more recent times mixed in.
First up, a few digital images that I like. π
Peter Cottontail
Benjamin Cottontail
A few of my momma’s best-loved goofy quotes … (click on the text below to enlarge it to make it easier to read).
And here are more digital images that friends have shared with me …

Below, a Scottish highland red squirrel … and then next below, another one taking a well-earned nap.

More from my momma …

I had to look up PSI … paranormal or psychic phenomena or powers. So the poem wonders about skies filled with such powers that anyone and everyone can use. How cool! π
And this (below) from the internet. Keep in mind, anything divided by zero is … ZERO. Do the math. π
More wonderful images …

And this last (below), my momma’s favorite … and mine. π

My momma, born in 1910, always wanted to go into space, she yearned to be an astronaut when that sort of thing started happening. She would have done anything to go into space. She has one of the first women to be a nurse anesthetist in Washington State, much less in the entire USA. She was brilliant. When I double-majored in advanced mathematics and in computer programming in college in the 1960s, she studied right along with me, maybe not understanding every detail because she didn’t have the background education that I had, but she sure was just a step or two behind me. Hence her love of those text sayings above.
Lastly, I found the image below on a website. The photo was taken by a woman of a lake in Glacier National Park in the state of Montana, USA. I was amazed by this photo. (click to enlarge)

I was so amazed that I started playing with the photo digitally, changing it, with light and color, etc. Eventually I simply turned the photo upside down …

I thought my upside-down photo was stunning, with that island in the sky. I still do. So I emailed the woman who took that original photo and I shared this upside-down photo with her. I said I surely didn’t need credit for it since it was her photo, after all, but I thought the two photos together were truly stunning. She never replied, never answered. I tried six times. No answer.
I still think both photos are amazing. But mostly I love my momma’s love of science and math and medicine … and her support of my endeavors as well. She also had such a kind heart … and such a light-hearted fun sense of humor. Without music, life would B-flat! She would have loved that. π
These were great! Although, I have no idea how to “do the math” on that one with a math problem. I will trust you that the answer is zero! π
Trust me. π
π Some of them were from you … thank you!
What fun. Your momma’s saved sayings are great. Human beings are just so bizarre. And, indeed, zero, either way.
Ah, yes, “either way”. Excellent additional info/comment.
Yes! The “S” (a line integral) in calculus. Oh my word I haven’t seen that in ages. Ruth, you obviously know this too. Indeed, anything divided by zero is zero, and anything multiplied by zero is zero … either way … the pin code is “zero”. How fun. Thanks Ann. You made me think. π
The other sayings and images gave me several chuckles out loud.
Women mathematicians are the best. π
Jamie … you and Ruth make me smile! Yes, women mathematicians are the best. π
Those last two photos are stunning. Your upside down one was amazing! How kind of you to contact the original photographer.
I also love the flip/flop photo. And I adore the dog running in the water. And the pig poem. π
I sure wish that photographer had emailed me back. Who knows, maybe she was having other life issues and couldn’t. That flip/flop photo still makes me chuckle. π
What fun. Human nature abounds.
It certainly does! π
I started to type which ones I liked the best. The list is too long. π I like them all. Really like your momma’s quotes that she saved. And I LOVE that last photo … ok, and the dog in the water. Well, the fox too. Stop me!
LOL! I love all of them too, Lori, so I’m glad you can’t stop! π
I laughed out loud at the pants stuffed into the sock. I think I may have already done that and not realized it. Ha!
I sure like people who admit to stuff. Even if maybe you haven’t actually had your pant leg stuck inside your sock. Just the thought makes me chuckle, Mark. Thank you. π
These were great. Other comments from everyone too. Thanks everyone!
That last photo is stunning. Also the flip/flop. And the pig poem. And the fox. π
Sounds like you read other people’s comments, Fran. I like that. This is “social” media after all. π Let’s be social. Oh, I love that sweet fox.
Love em all! Well, like others who have commented, I love the cat, the fox, the chocolate, the dog, the bathroom, the socks, squirrel, tiger, flip/flop, music, and those last two photos. But mostly I really enjoyed your momma’s saved quotes. Oh, my brain hurt and I laughed … and they made me think. Sounds like your momma isn’t around these days. But I sure thank her for making me smile and for making me think.
That math one though, no way did I know what that meant.
I watch 7 or 8 RV travel blogs. Yours is the best because you talk about real life. Travel on!
Ha! Sounds like you liked everything, Tim. I like that! π And thank you (and everyone else) who liked my momma’s saved quotes/poems. Nope, she’s not around any more, but she sure remains in my heart. There are still reams of papers in that box that I found … if I find more goofy/fun things to share that she saved, I sure will.
Thank you for the compliment. Very much appreciated.
What fun! Thank you!
Emily, you are very welcome! I’m glad you’re here. π