Listed here are all of the blog posts I have created for this blog. The list starts right here at the top with the very first, oldest blog post from 2016.
The newest, current, most recent blog post is at the very bottom of this list. Entries with an asterisk (*) are camping trips I took with my travel trailer.
2016 (3 posts)
In the beginning — the adventure begins!
Choosing a tow vehicle
Hitching up
2017 (68 posts, 5 camping trips)
Why not Wynoochee!
The first tow — and work on the trailer
Happy truck!
Country farms and Mount Rainier
Packing the trailer and Little Towhee arrives
* Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, day 1
* Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, day 2
* Don’t tell me you forgot the …
* Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, day 3
* Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, day 4
My big question
Day trip to Wollochet Bay
A chance encounter with an Airstream
Housekeeping … or, rules of the road
* Kanaskat State Park (July), day 1
* Kanaskat State Park (July), day 2
* Kanaskat State Park (July), day 3 morning
* Kanaskat State Park (July), day 3 afternoon
Gog-le-hi-te Wetland
Trailer height and how to build a birdbath
Snoqualmie Pass and the wildfires
Taking a bite out of life
* Coho Campground, part 1
* Coho Campground, part 2
* Coho Campground, part 3
* Coho Campground, part 4
* Coho Campground, part 5
* Coho Campground, part 6
* Coho Campground, part 7
South Puyallup afternoon drive
The Oregon Coast
Chambers Creek
Dash Point Park
Blueberry Farm Park
* Dosewallips State Park, day 1
* Dosewallips State Park, day 2
* Dosewallips State Park, more of day 2
* Dosewallips State Park, day 2 evening
* Dosewallips, day 3, Interrorem Ranger Cabin
* Dosewallips, day 3, Ranger Hole Trail
* Dosewallips, day 3, afternoon
* Dosewallips, day 4, morning
* Dosewallips, day 4, afternoon
* Dosewallips, day 5
Fife Levee Pond Park
Point Defiance Boathouse
Hylebos Wetland Park
My back patio
* Deception Pass State Park, day 1
* Deception Pass State Park, day 2 morning
* Deception Pass State Park, day 2 afternoon
* Deception Pass State Park, day 3 morning
* Deception Pass State Park, day 3 afternoon
* Deception Pass, day 4
* Deception Pass, day 4 more
* Deception Pass, day 4, Quarry Pond
* Deception Pass, day 4 sunset
* Deception Pass, day 5, Pass Island
* Deception Pass, day 5, intermission
* Deception Pass, day 5, Cornet Bay
* Deception Pass, day 5, evening
* Deception Pass, heading home
Home Sweet Home
Fife farmland
The BIG decision
Hylebos wetlands, revisited
Winter wonderland
Big ships at work
2018 (91 posts, 7 camping trips)
Moonrise at Dash Point
Fox Island, Raft Island, and more
Towhee the Trailer has been sold!
RV-ing in Scotland
A bird by any other name…
What’s this? A seagull farm?!
The Zhen Hua 28
Animal antics
Dreams from the past
Finalizing the new trailer options
Point Defiance ferry terminal
Fife farmlands revisited
Patio flowers and a bunny rabbit
The Zhen Hua 28 … revisited
Mount Rainier
Tacoma murals
This one is mine!!
Japan’s Tsunami
The BIG day is here!
Heading for the border
A respite and then we head home
The interior “reveal”
A blogger’s life (and some flowers)
A new roof!
Thea Foss sure started something!
Watching other people work
Choosing my battles
* Kanaskat Palmer State Park, let’s go!
* Kanaskat, day 2
* Kanaskat, day 3
* Kanaskat, day 4 morning
* Kanaskat, day 4 afternoon
Trailer and truck projects
My birthday day!
* Pacific Beach State Park
* Pacific Beach, 2
* Pacific Beach, the town
* Little Towhee discovers the Big Ocean
* Pacific Beach, saddle up!
* Pacific Beach, a super surprise
* Pacific Beach, patience pays off
* Pacific Beach, back roads are the best
* Pacific Beach, the last evening
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Giant octopuses?? Yeah, right.
* More camping! Rasar State Park
* Rasar State Park – the mighty Skagit River
* Rasar – giant marshmallows? oh come on!
* Rasar – Mount Baker
* Rasar – last day and my neighbor the chicken
Puget Sound double-ended ferry boats
* The Mountain
* Mount Rainier – Longmire
* Mount Rainier – Paradise
* Mount Rainier, day four
* Mount Rainier’s glaciers
Problems with this blog … grrrr!
“Homeless” RV-ers
Hauling a boat out of the water
American School – Philippine Islands
* Canada? Well, why not?
* Canada, Logan Lake – 2
* Canada, Logan Lake – 3
Travels with Towhee has returned
* Canada — Paska Lake
* Canada, Logan Lake – 5
* Canada, Logan Lake – 6
* Canada — heading home
I found some money!
Blueberry Farm Park, revisited
Giving thanks
* Ainsworth State Park – 1
* Ainsworth – Cascade Locks
* Ainsworth – Pacific Crest Trail
* Ainsworth – Bonneville Dam
* Ainsworth – a different direction
* Ainsworth – Eagle Creek Fire
* Ainsworth – pretty pictures
* Ainsworth State Park – the last day
A few favorites …
I love Christmas lights!
Bonsai Garden
* Sequim Bay State Park, day 1
* Sequim Bay State Park, day 2
A brief interruption for SNOW!
* Sequim Bay State Park, day 3
* Sequim Bay State Park, last day
Chock-a-block full of Chihuly glass
Mission, British Columbia
2019 (44 posts, 3 camping trips)
My truck acts up
Points to ponder
Music to my ears
Gettin’ ready to roll
Native American Potlatch
Three trailer projects nicely done
* Yakima Sportsman State Park, day 1
* Yakima camping, day 2
* Yakima camping, day 3
* Yakima camping, day 3 afternoon
* Yakima camping … a little more
* Yakima camping, day 4
* Yakima camping, day 4, rain!
* Yakima camping, day 5
* Yakima camping, the final day
The Happy Hummer
My truck needs towing!
It had to be Hosta
Making things even better
* Big Creek Campground
* Big Creek camping, Mt. Rainier
* Big Creek camping, magic happens
* Big Creek, Forest Service Road #84
* Big Creek Campground, the creek!
* Big Creek, fish hatcheries
* Big Creek, UFOs and Sasquatches
* Big Creek, big old steam trains
* Big Creek, my last day here
Blog stuff … and a silly photo
Trailer and truck modifications
Flaggers at construction sites
Two sides of Scotland
Those darned cats!
Victor Borge
* Paradise Point State Park … camping!
* Paradise Point … Lewis River
* Paradise Point … country roads
* Paradise Point … kayaking!
* Paradise Point … Ridgefield
Christmas Eve 2019
* Paradise Point, wildlife refuge, Carty section
* Paradise Point, wildlife refuge, “S” Unit
* Paradise Point … the old grist Mill
* Paradise Point … one last morning drive
2020 (108 posts, 7 camping trips)
Why are barns painted red?
Mt. Rainier disappears
Connectivity issues with this blog
Just a truck oil change, no big deal
The “funnies”
Mid-winter thoughts
Bunny finds a home
Trailer updates
The Application of Lubrication
What a dummy!
Poland … Polska
Towhee the Trailer writes a poem
Fly fishing
Music is the key
My Hero
Wildlife wanders by
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
The Library saves the day!
A new home for Towhee the Trailer
One voice
I’m going camping!!
A very bunny bird story
* First camping trip of 2020
* Friends Landing, day 2
* Friends Landing, who is Quigg?
* Friends Landing, the Blue Slough
* Friends Landing, a real country feed store
* Friends Landing … warning, high water!
* Friends Landing … horses, cows, and barns
* Friends Landing, third lake walk
* Friends Landing … hey, hay!
* Friends Landing, the last morning
Additions and subtractions
Let’s do blue
Mountain Goat or Mountain Sheep?
* Scenic Beach State Park, day 1
* Scenic Beach … Seabeck
* Scenic Beach, a surprise!
* Scenic Beach, Suquamish
* Scenic Beach … the beach
* Scenic Beach, Port Gamble
* Scenic Beach, Nick’s Lagoon
* Scenic Beach, a hedge of Herons
* Scenic Beach, the Eagles return!
Home projects … work and fun
* Anacortes camping, day 1
* Anacortes, Mt. Erie
* Anacortes, more day 2
* Anacortes, a marshland preserve
* Anacortes, the beach walk
* Anacortes, a street walker
* Anacortes, building BIG ships
* Anacortes, horses and barns
* Anacortes, best hardware store in the universe!
* Anacortes, tide pools
* Anacortes … Guemes, what’s a “guemes”!
* Anacortes, the last morning
A few projects back at home
Bloggy stuff
* Dungeness Spit, day 1
* Dungeness, day 2, morning
* Dungeness, day 2, afternoon
* Dungeness, a Lavender farm
* Dungeness, to the Spit!
* Dungeness Spit
* Dungeness, Horses and Barns
* Dungeness, a morning indoors
* Dungeness, a potpourri of photos
* Dungeness, the last morning
An Irish musical interlude
Salmon Fishing, Olympic Peninsula
* Cape Disappointment … camping!
* Cape Disappointment, the US Coast Guard
* Cape Disappointment, the campground
* Cape Disappointment, North Head Lighthouse
* Cape Disappointment, another beach walk
* Cape Disappointment, the town of Ilwaco
* Cape Disappointment, Fort Canby
* Cape Disappointment, sunshine on the beach!
* Cape Disappointment, a song for singing
Newsy blog stuff
Happiness at home
* Lake Quinault, autumn camping
* Lake Quinault, what’s a “quinault”?
* Lake Quinault, the Hoh Rain Forest
* Lake Quinault, Oxalis
* Lake Quinault, a really big tree!
* Lake Quinault, a drive around the lake
* Lake Quinault, a cemetery and other fun stuff
* Lake Quinault, the last evening
* Lake Quinault, heading home … and Humptulips!
A hot cuppa coffee!
Let’s topple the world!
A powerful, all electric, pickup truck?
* Silver Lake Resort … camping!
* Silver Lake, sunrise on the lake
* Silver Lake, first drive to Mt. St. Helens
* Silver Lake, the evening back at camp
* Silver Lake, to the volcano again
* Silver Lake, to the volcano #3
* Silver Lake, three little things
* Silver Lake … look at this!
Bird talk
More music, always
Gorgeous wooden van conversion
2021 (85 blog posts, 6 camping trips to 9 camping destinations)
Winter 2020-2021
Spring 2021 trailer maintenance
Daisy the duck
* Fort Ebey State Park … camping!
* Fort Ebey State Park, day 2
* Fort Ebey State Park, more of the best
* Fort Ebey, pretty Lake Pondilla
* Fort Ebey … a beach, a boat, an otter!
* Fort Ebey, Washington State’s Rhododendron
* Fort Ebey, just a quiet day
* Fort Ebey, our last morning
Daisy is a dude!
Truck driving in Sweden, in winter!
Acapella group “Home Free”
* Oregon, Fort Stevens, camping!
* Oregon camping, the “Column” in Astoria
* Oregon camping, to the beach
* Oregon camping, the “Peter Iredale”
* Oregon camping, a drive out and about
* Oregon camping, the Heritage Museum
* Oregon camping, a big ship!
* Oregon camping, pilots and boats
* Oregon camping, a spit walk
* Oregon camping, a US Coast Guard AIR station
* Oregon camping, the Maritime Museum
* Oregon camping, a few final photos
Back home again and some new favorites
Scotland says NO!
* Camping — “Boondocking”
* Camping, Darrington, day 2
* Camping, Lake Goodwin, boondocking
* Camping, Lake Goodwin, day 2
* Camping, Lake Goodwin, a beach and a barn
* Camping, Lake Goodwin, Hibulb Cultural Center
* Camping, Lake Goodwin … horses!
* Camping, Lake Goodwin … Camano Island
* Camping, Lake Goodwin, one last morning drive
* Camping, to Bremerton, more boondocking
* Camping, Bremerton, Illahee State Park
* Camping, Bremerton, an afternoon in camp
* Bremerton, SNAKES!
* Bremerton, the village of Illahee
* Bremerton, heading home
Evelyn Glennie
* Camping, a new destination!
* Dungeness, a one night stand
* Dungeness, one happy squirrel
* Dungeness … ah, the beach!
* Adios to Dungeness … I’m off to Chimacum
* Chimacum, guns and horses
* Chimacum, Oak Bay Campground
* Chimacum, wooden boats
* Chimacum, Little Towhee and the Dragon!
Philippines, Pagsanjan Falls
A simple sunset
* Winthrop, camping!
* Winthrop, our first walkabout
* Winthrop, a Waterfall (and a wildfire)
* Winthrop … scat!
* Winthrop, an old west town
* Winthrop, northbound!
* Winthrop, a walk around camp
* Winthrop, the old town museum
* Winthrop, one last walk
* Mossyrock, autumn camping
* Mossyrock, morning surprise
Red Rolling Ramps
* Mossyrock … cows, goats, a barn
* Mossyrock, Mayfield Dam and the deer neighbors
* Mossyrock, a pretty autumn lake
* Mossyrock … fish!
* Mossyrock, horses and blueberries
* Mossyrock Dam, and some goats
Life’s blessings
* Mossyrock, otters on the horizon?
* Mossyrock, bridges
* Mossyrock, squeezing in one last country drive
Christmas 2022
A little Christmas wish
The Cailleach
2022 (65 blog posts, 6 camping trips)
Housekeeping, 2023
Trailer prep, 2022
A cozy fire
A Pterosaur
* Friends Landing, 2022 camping!
* Friends Landing, the next morning
* Friends Landing, ponies!
* Friends Landing, showing up in court!
* Friends Landing, little lake Aberdeen
* Friends Landing, I don’t want to go home!
Two cats!
Under water … and yet, a distant drum?
* Mardon, camping in potholes
* Mardon, the dam built with dirt
* Mardon, why are they called potholes
* Mardon, a tour of the campground
* Mardon, red hot lava
* Mardon, faces in the rock
* Mardon, north end of Potholes Reservoir
* Mardon, sagebrush and its residents
* Mardon, north again to the reservoir
* Mardon, last views, then heading home
* Mardon, bird identification!
Bagpipe making
Ireland, and my grandmother
* Birch Bay, camping!
* Birch Bay, the beach
* Birch Bay, homes
* Birch Bay, Blaine Marine Park
* Birch Bay, the border!
* Birch Bay, Tennant Lake farm
* Birch Bay, drive around the bay
* Birch Bay, a country drive
Stand by me
Around home, spring 2022
* More camping, Camano Island
* Camano Island, an eagle!
* Camano Island, eagle number two
* Camano Island, eagle number three
* Camano Island, Stillaguamish Pioneer Museum
* Camano Island, Cama Beach cabins
* Camano Island, Utsalady beach
* Camano Island, a visit to La Conner
* Camano Island, last morning
How golf was invented
Indigenous people of British Columbia, Canada
* Riverbend Campground, Nisqually River
* Riverbend Campground, fishing
* Riverbend Campground, along the Nisqually
* Riverbend Campground, view of the Nisqually River Delta
* Riverbend Campground, an eagle
* Riverbend Campground, walking the delta
Snowshoes … winter walking
* Yakima Sportsman State Park, camping!
* Yakima, the American Hop Museum
* Yakima, the town of Toppenish
* Yakima, Toppenish hop harvesting
* Yakima, fruit orchards
* Yakima, Toppenish railroad museum
* Yakima, north into the canyon
* Yakima, the drive back home
A wonderful old tree
Silly stuff
Metal welding … is it art?
2023 (49 blog posts, 3 camping trips)
Christmas, 2023
My deer friends
Big white truck turns 111111!
An empty van … to a great RV
* Camping … Illahee
* Illahee … the beach
* Illahee … Naval Undersea Museum
* Illahee … the beach and some boats
* Illahee … the Puget Sound Navy Museum
* Illahee … Bremerton waterfront park
* Illahee … sweet memories
A snoozy deer, and a watchful hummer
Who invented the flush toilet?
Winter trailer maintenance
Making sense of 25 cents
A cozy fireplace in winter
A few smiles for the day
Can bears climb trees?
From battery cables … to a wild hawk
Scottish badgers!
* Eightmile Campground … camping!
* Eightmile, exploring Icicle Creek
* Eightmile, Peshastin Pinnacles
* Eightmile, a day out and about
* Eightmile, Leavenworth fish hatchery
* Eightmile, campground walkabout
* Eightmile, the road along Icicle Creek
* Eightmile, homeward bound
1940’s – 1960’s music
Let’s do red
Towhee the Trailer’s new digs
Hammered Dulcimer
* Bay View State Park, more camping!
* Bay View, the cemetery
* Bay View, Samish Island
* Bay View, farmland
* Bay View, farmer’s market/co-op
* Bay View, the beach
* Bay View, Chuckanut Drive
* Bay View, Padilla Bay estuary research
* Bay View, how to pronounce Padilla
* Bay View, one more beach
* Bay View, last morning, heading home
The entire rest of 2023
Funnies to tickle your toes
Flowers, birds, and a sunset
Old horse-drawn carriages
Music from different countries
2024 (22 blog posts, 3 camping trips so far, more to come!)
* Pacific Beach State Park, camping!
* Pacific Beach, first beach walk
* Pacific Beach, kites!
* Pacific Beach, Navy radar and more beach
* Pacific Beach, my campsite and a sunset
* Pacific Beach, Joe Creek and a bird
* Pacific Beach, last day
* Pacific Beach, last beach walk
Christmas, 2024
Music of the heart
* Deschutes River, camping!
* Deschutes River, the campground walk
* Deschutes, river barges
* Deschutes, what does the word mean?
* Deschutes, it rocks!
* Deschutes River, farm land
* Deschutes River, last morning
Music keeps you sharp
Power outages, what to do?
* Schafer State Park, camping!
* Schafer State Park, Satsop Nuclear Plant