Ah, yes, I’m home from the camping trip to Fort Stevens State Park in Oregon. Well, I’m home for now, until my next camping adventure in a week or two. The trailer is safely tucked away at the storage lot. I’ve picked up my mail and paid the bills. The laundry is doing its thing in the room off the kitchen. I’ll head out to the grocery store soon, but first let’s visit some updates to this blog website.
I’ve added four new “favorites” to the “Other blogs and vlogs that I follow” list. That list is on the right side of every one of these blog webpages. My four new favorite vlogs/blogs are:
#1 is Becca Woods’ photography and videography, or “BWoodPhotography”, mostly of birds and mammals and woodlands and rivers. Here’s one of my favorite vlogs of hers (below). Check out the heron wing and leg extension at the :52 second mark in the video (oh it feels so good to stretch!). If you like that, then go back to the list of her vlogs HERE and start at the beginning. She’s really good!
Next is “RazorKittn”. She’s a semi truck driver in Sweden … and that means driving a BIG truck in winter in Sweden! Her name is Cassie. She posts videos about online gaming/art too, so you can choose what you want to watch. But you can bet your boots that she’s a professional truck driver. Here’s her first trucking video (below). If I ever get to Sweden, I’ll be looking her up. Her stories and her animations and her videos are simply excellent!
Next up “Sarah in Scotland”. She’s a yank, from the USA, and she moved to Scotland and fell in love with it. For a while she was a professional photographer, but now she loves taking photos and videos of life in Scotland as a hobby. She records images mostly of wildlife and woodland and sunsets. Here’s one of my favorite vlogs of hers (below). If you want to start at the beginning of her vlogs, then go HERE and scroll down to the beginning of her vlogs. Or just enlarge the video below to fill your screen, then sit back, enjoy, and relax in Scotland. Her photography and videography work (and her drawing and color art work) is extraordinary. And yes it’s midges, not midgies, but who can blame her when she’s being eaten alive by them. Still, Scotland is so beautiful.
Last but not least, and admittedly my most favorite of my four new favorites is a vlog called “The Narrowboat Pirate”! Yikes. Scary yes?
But no, it’s not at all scary. 🙂 It’s a vlog by/about an English woman who lives on her narrowboat (the boat’s name is “The Rum Wench”) and she travels the canals of England and Wales as she designs and creates and sells all sorts of pirate-themed wares … buttons and signs and flags and hats and all manner of other things Pirate-like! Aaargh, me hearties! And she loves rum … what pirate doesn’t love rum?
If you want to start at the beginning of “The Narrowboat Pirate”, go HERE and scroll down to the first vlog. I highly recommend you start at the beginning and just wend your way through her vlogs, no hurry. She’s fun and caring. She knows her boat and takes care of her. She loves people and animals and the environment. Her vlogs are gorgeous and informative. And she’s fun and often irreverent! And, she writes her own music.
Here’s just one of her more current vlog posts …
The list of blogs/vlogs on the right hand side of my webpages contains all of my favorites … all the way from Becca Woods’ blog, “BWoodPhotography” (mentioned above) … and on down to the “Well Deck Diaries” by Mark/Deb on their narrowboat (I love their boating vlog too!). Please do NOT miss “Change is Hard” … Dawn has an eye and a heart for things that I think I have an eye for, but she really does have it, she’s a gem.
If you do watch any of these blogs/vlogs, and you enjoy them, please let the author know by commenting on their blog/vlog. It is “social” media after all. Please thank them. You will likely see my comments on those blogs. I’m still working my way through each of my new favorite vlogs; I haven’t caught up with their current ones yet, but I comment … not after each and every vlog post, that’s not necessary at all, but every so often I say something.
And THAT being said, I love you folks, my readers. I love your comments and questions, and your answers to my questions and to each other’s questions, your thoughts, information about your travels, just saying hi, etc. So please comment and let me know what you like and what you think. Also, please subscribe if you’d like to, in the upper right hand corner of each of these webpages. Just follow the prompts and click “ok” to everything and you will receive a very brief text email every time I publish a new blog post. If all you wish to do is read along and not comment at all, that’s perfectly ok too.
Please share my blog with your friends and your enemies (who knows, maybe they’ll get nicer?), share this blog with your co-workers, your neighbors, your compatriots at church or the Lions Club or on Facebook or other social media, with your family, anyone you meet on the road or at the grocery store. It’s all good. Everyone is welcome here. The link to share is … http://www.travelswithtowhee.com/.
And, with all of that very bloggy business stuff above out of the way, here’s a question that was posed on one of the blogs/vlogs listed to the right … “Why is it that when goods are sent on a ship, they are called ‘car’go … but when they’re sent by road (by truck or by car), they are called a ‘ship’ment?”
Hmmm, what a great question! We bloggers/vloggers are such deep thinkers! 🙂
What a comfortable and fun and informative blog you produce, with all sorts of different ideas and perspectives. I love this. I subscribed, happily.
Thanks, Sesapa. 🙂 Glad you’re here.
Great vlogs. Thanks, we’ll follow along on them.
I’m glad you like them. Follow along with them as you wish. 🙂
Anne says “Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?”😏
Ha! That daughter of yours is clever! Another backwards use of words.
It reminds me of when we say “I finally found it in the last place I looked.” Well, yes, it was the last placed you looked because you found it and didn’t need to look in any more places. Hmmmm.
I’ve wondered about that saying too Shawn. Funny humans, eh?
Great favorites. How do you pick a favorite, I don’t know! We’ll be following along on 2 or 3 of them.
I never can pick ONE favorite, although I know one’s “favorite” should be just one thing. But I never can pick just one, so I don’t know how to pick one either.
Took me awhile to watch all four videos, and then also check out each of the first videos in their blogs, ok and maybe a few more too. I appreciate the videos of sunsets and flowers and animals but I really liked that gal trucker in Sweden and the couple on the narrowboat in England. I’ve signed up to watch them. But don’t worry Ann, YOU are my favorite!
I know … so much to watch … so much to see. Thanks for your vote of confidence Tim, it’s very much appreciated. 🙂
Took us a while to watch every video too, especially since each was so good! and so we watched more of each of them. We’ve signed up to follow two of them, won’t say which two. 🙂 Travels With Towhee is our hands-down favorite.
Thank you Jim (and Janey) … 🙂