May 12, 2022
Woke up this morning, my last morning here. I had planned on hitching up the truck to the trailer early on and heading home. But I couldn’t. I just needed one more look around at this extraordinary place on this planet. It was another extraordinarily gorgeous morning.

Other folks too found this to be a perfect morning to get out and about … or go fishing. π

It was a bit chilly out, but the skies were dry, so I bundled up and went for a walk around the campground. The photo below is of a picnic/gathering shelter, and a playground, and it’s where tenters can camp, all around the edge of this large area. Oddly, I kept hearing a “bang, bang, bang” as I walked into the area. I guess someone is doing some work on some equipment here. But … “bang, bang, then bang-bang-bang!” It was a Friday morning, mid-morning, so I figured work had to get done some time around here and so maybe the noise wasn’t so bad. But gosh it sure was loud!

On the back edge of this large area was access (below) to the lake. There were two tent campsites right there, that would have been super. There’s a walkway/ramp out onto a dock that floats on the lake (on the left) … and there’s a gravel “boat ramp” there on the right.

[still that “bang, bang …. bang-bang-bang!” … wish that worker person would take a coffee break.]
Mostly the boat ramp is for people to launch boats by hand, not for backing a truck/trailer into the water. As the sign below says “EXTREME DROP OFF”. I walked to the water’s edge, looked down into the water, and saw nothing, no bottom. But the reflections on the water, with a bit of blue sky above, were pretty cool.

I continued walking around that large picnic and playground and tent area.
What the heck is going on? It must be a huge, heavy hammer banging on something. The guy who is wielding that huge hammer must be exceptionally well-muscled, a big guy.
Oh well, work must be done. So on I went.
I approached the far south side of that picnic/playground area and finally, there on the edge … I found the “big muscled guy” … a Red-headed woodpecker banging away on a garbage can! Turn your sound WAY up before starting the video below … WAY up since I was still standing quite far from this musical garbage can.

I don’t know why he was doing that. Wouldn’t that hurt?!? He’d been at it for at least 30 minutes … constantly. I thought woodpeckers chunked away on trees in order to find bugs to eat or create a nest to use. But a garbage can? What’s that about? It was late in May when I was here, so maybe this bird was attracting a mate? The noise would not have been attractive to me. But then, I’m not a Red-headed Woodpecker. π
Shortly after I took the video above, that woodpecker flew off. I would have watched him longer had he chosen to stay, but I was glad for the peace and quiet. Then I walked out along the southern walkway around the lake, part of the walkway that I hadn’t taken before. Here’s a little video of that area. Again, enlarge the video by clicking on the square image in the lower right hand corner.
And then it truly was time to walk back to my campsite and hitch up the trailer to the truck and head for home.

As I drove out of the campground, with the trailer in tow, I drove past the field where I’d seen just one white horse the other day … but several of them were there today.

And then I left that area, with trailer in tow, and headed towards Highway 12 in order to head home. But I didn’t get on that highway. I took yet another back road, and found this little gem down along that country road.

Life is great when you take the back road, when you take the road less traveled.
I still didn’t want to go home. But I did go home. And I was very happy. π
What fun to see that woodpecker banging on that trash can, silly woodpecker! π
Ha, silly fellow indeed! π
Yes! Woodpeckers bang on stuff to attract a mate, good guess, Ann. But a garbage can? Sure made me smile. π Love the barn.
Well, he sure was making noise!!
There’s so much water in western Washington, it’s so green and rich. Really liked that video of the walk along the boardwalk.
That was my favorite part of the morning … just walking slowly along that boardwalk and enjoying everything.
I really like the photos of the lake around your trailer. No wonder it’s a favorite spot of yours. We keep talking about going there, gotta get down there! It’s so beautiful, the walkway around that south part of the lake. The horses. Everything. We sit here at home and listen to classical music and look at your photos and we are at peace. Thank you.
I listen to classical music a lot too, Janey (and Jim). Not everyone loves it, and I sure don’t like every piece of classical music, but that’s what I listen to. π
Have to add one more thing … the “news” and media and internet are all so stressful, but all of those venues need to SELL themselves, and so it seems they SELL stressful news, and too many people actually believe that “xxxx”. Real life to us, everyone we’ve met in all our travels both RVing and around the world, everyone is wonderful. Makes us wonder about the accuracy of the “news”. Thank you for being another voice of/for peace. Our experience, both of us are in our 70s, is that the world is more peaceful not less, except that the “news” inflates the bad stuff. Our latest “classical” music find is Philip Glass, Piano Works. Ack hope I haven’t said too much here. π
No Janey you haven’t said too much. Lots of us feel the same way, on both sides of the issues or both sides of the aisle. The news media are inflating what they want to inflate in order to “sell” news. And that’s creating more stress in and of itself. Those of us “of an age” remember when news was truly just factual news, with maybe an editorial comment at the end. But today the “news” is extremely biased, on both sides, and with the reporters themselves making editorial comments. My husband and I pretty much don’t watch the news anymore, for exactly the reasons you state.
Ok, I know Ann has said this blog is not to be political, but this problem doesn’t seem to be on either side of the aisle, but on both sides of the aisle, and worldwide.
Just a case in point, I’ve read SO MANY reports that COVID is the worst “plague” ever, killed more people than ever, etc, etc, etc, “the first time we’ve ever had this”. But, in fact, because our parents remember it, the Spanish Flu in the early 1900s killed way more people than COVID has. Other diseases have as well.
It’s troubling. The so-called “news” isn’t news anymore, but simply bias.
Right on Marge. My father was born in 1898 and remembered the Spanish Flu. It was many more times worse than COVID. AIDS killed more people too than COVID. But the “news” organizations need money, so there you go.
Janey, you have not said too much here. I love your comments. Thank you for thanking me for being a voice of/for peace. I try to remind myself about finding peace even just in my own heart and soul, but also finding it in other people I meet in the world. Let’s support each other in finding and making peace in the world and in our communities, and in our own homes. I never watch the news for exactly the reasons you describe … the news is not factual anymore, on either side. I know there is violence and trouble the world over, but there always has been. The news these days does its best to make us THINK that all of this is new, and that it’s worse (maybe it’s not as bad?), and that we MUST struggle with this NEW darkness (when it is actually very old, and very normal darkness, and we can chose to live there or not). The news sells pain and fear and tension, it no longer sells news.
I just now listened to Philip Glass, Piano Works … it’s wonderful!!!!
That lake/water reflection photo is mesmerizing. And the woodpecker is just stupid, lol! But that lake/water shot is really great.
Ha! π Thanks Marge.
With you Janey and Marge on all counts. The “news” these days is just a show, not really news, not like it used to be, or at least as far as we knew.
And … the photos on this blog are super. I love that water reflection photo. and even just the morning photos around the lake and the trailer. the barn is the best. π
Thanks, Steve. I’m so glad you and all the other readers here are here. Each one of you … you’re the best.
Favorite photos in order are #8 (reflection), #14 (two horses), #16 (the last barn photo).
Go home, rest up, then go camping again soon!
Will do, Babe. π
What a beautiful place. I hope you get to go back there some day soon! I have only seen a red-headed woodpecker a couple times, there’s one out at my favorite bird park, but I don’t see him every time I’m out there. I had never, until last year ever seen one, nor did I know they were around here. So it was exciting when I got to see him!
I do think woodpeckers sometimes peck on not trees during mating season to send the message to all the ladies out there that he’s available.
Aren’t those red-headed woodpeckers gorgeous? I hope you get to see lots more. I hope the precious Penny doesn’t scare them away. π
That must be right, that he was making as much noise as he could to attract a female. He sure was making noise!
Horses and barns, and a little fishing, what else is there in life? Well, a few other things too for sure. π But you’re hitting the highlights.
Agreed. Along with maybe a little paddle on calm water in a kayak or canoe thrown in. And then a nice warm evening at home with whoever you love … and a delicious dinner. Life is grand. π
Great woodpecker story. Loved that water reflection and the horses. I live in a BIG city and I love being taken away from it. I also love reading all the comments. More comments everyone! Thank you Ann.
More comments! Kinny wants more comments! Me too. π Thanks Kinny.
Ann the Red headed woodpecker story was hilarious to watch! Makes me wonder why some people go on and on making noise… about who knows what. The horses & barns and tge road less traveled took me away on a nice momentary holiday. Away from the pressures of life as my 95 year old Mom’s caregiver. Miss you and love you!!! Keep on writing!!!
Wasn’t that woodpecker story fun? I loved it. And I loved being tricked into thinking it was a big burly guy wielding a huge hammber. Things are NOT always as they seem, eh? Also loved your comment about “why some people go on and on making noise” … it’s an interesting world, that’s for sure.
Miss you and love you, too. And my 95 year old sister. When the weather gets above freezing (it was 20 degrees last night), I’ll come up for a visit. In the meantime, more stories here to come. π