Funnies to tickle your toes

In the last blog post, reader Bill Burnn made me chuckle with his comment. So I’m going to fight back! 🙂

Ok, these might not tickle your toes (or your funny bone), but they tickled mine. 🙂 I hope you find something to smile at here. I liked these, they made me chuckle. There is so much serious stuff flying around in the world today, I thought sharing a few light-hearted things might help and be a welcome change.

Enjoy! 🙂

What type of sandals do frogs wear? ……. open toad.


The shovel was a ground-breaking invention.


“To do is to be” … Descartes.
“To be is to do” … Sartre.
“Do be do be do” … Sinatra!


After writing a simple mathematical equation on the blackboard, the teacher asked if anyone in the class could solve the problem.  Little Debby walked up to the blackboard, erased the entire equation, then turned to the teacher and said “problem solved.” [The moral of the story? There is ALWAYS another way to look at things.]




And here are just a couple of funnies/thoughts/questions with no images …

You know how it is sometimes when someone gets left in the lurch?  Well, where is “the lurch”?  What if you want to get together with that person, see them and chat with them? Where do you go? Where is “the lurch”? Hmmmm.

A man walks into an ancient Greek tailor’s shop with a pair of ripped trousers.  The tailor says, “Euripides?”  Man says, “yeah, Eumenides?”


And then there’s this sweet one …

If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went … Will Rogers.


Hope you enjoyed those funny and sweet things. Hope they made you chuckle, or at least scratch your head and think. 🙂

In the end, here’s to kindness and joy and good times.

Let’s dance!! 🙂


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5 Responses to Funnies to tickle your toes

  1. Dawn says:

    All of them were sweet and funny. Today we could use cute and funny.

  2. Emily says:

    Amen Dawn! In my town there’s a sign acknowledging the reds and oranges of autumn that are now appearing on trees and other plants. And the sign ends with … “orange you glad it’s autumn?” 🙂 Thanks for the smiles here on the blog too.

  3. Wanda says:

    Those were fun. We liked Rockin’ Robin, used to dance to that in junior high school, remember that? ha! 🙂

  4. Sesapa says:

    I like that Will Rogers quote about dogs in heaven. And the photo is so cute!

  5. Tina T says:

    Ok, I almost fell off my chair laughing about the koala who was spitting out the greens when someone brought her/him a donut instead. Fun stuff, yes we need this. Thank you. 🙂 Donuts!! For everyone!! 🙂

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