Let’s do red

Quite some time ago, I wrote a blog post called “Let’s do blue”. You folks loved it and commented and shared information about all manner of things in your homes that were blue in color … clothes, furniture, dishes, even things outside your homes … you talked about flowers, and the sky. That was really cool. So now …

Let’s do RED!

What do you have in your home, your car, your workplace, your yard, your garage, your school, etc, that’s red?

What do I have? Well, guess I better go look around!

Ok, here’s my list ….

A red/black paid shirt, three red blouses and one red jacket, two “hawaiian” shirts with red in them, Christmas socks and some really warm winter socks that a friend of mine in Canada knit for me (thank you, Robin, for yummy warm toes), two small square red pillows on the futon in the guest bedroom, some earrings, a large pot that sits on top of the fridge in the kitchen (I use that pot a lot), a fringed piece of cloth from Mexico that hangs on the wall (lots of red in that!), and oh almost missed it … the area rug under my dining room table is a deep, rich red color.

Some of the photos below are in “gallery” format, so click on the first photo on the left, then click on the right/left arrows, and then click on the white X in the upper right corner to move on to the next row/gallery or to return to the blog.

Ok, my drip coffee maker is red, and my tea kettle, and kitchen sink tools. But that’s about it for RED around my home except for a few book covers on the book shelves and such like that. Oh, wait, I almost forgot my garage that houses my big red roll-away expensive and excellent Snap-on tool box!!

Of course, you’ve all seen photos of the inside of my trailer … red dinette seat upholstery and a good number of red accessories. It feels good to have that warmth of red in that small trailer.

But otherwise, and especially here in my home, I don’t seem to have much red in my life … nothing in my bedroom or my living room, or the bathrooms or the back patio. Should I have more? What about you folks? What RED do you have in your lives?


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11 Responses to Let’s do red

  1. Greg Schellen says:

    My wife loved red. Kitchen stuff especially, but also red placemats for the dining room table and red S&P shakers and lots of red in the formal dining dishes (plates and bowls). I have probably 20 different sorts of red neckties and red sweaters and socks and shirts. We used to joke that some night she might paint ME red. She never did. ๐Ÿ™‚ I held the line at no red in our bedroom, but red is in lots of the artwork in other rooms and pillows and such. Our cars were always red, I kinda liked that too. And she’d plant lots of red flowers outside, I miss that. Dang it, just red that last sentence … ok, I can plant red flowers, maybe it’s time I did that. This was fun, and a good lesson. Thank you.

  2. Tim in Montana says:

    Plant those flowers Greg.

  3. M&M says:

    Nice comments Greg and Tim. Thanks to both of you.

    My wife does not love red but I love red! And yellow and orange. She likes quiet calm subdued greens and blues and grays and black. I like that sparkler of color. So we talk and meet in the middle or just compromise. Ok, red in our house is mostly in my wardrobe, also some art around the house, and flowers outside, one lamp is red. Oh a red car, yes I would love a red car! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Kinny says:

    I love red, and orange and yellow. Shows in my clothes. ๐Ÿ™‚ And, when I look around my house, I have lots of bright colors in my kitchen, my dishes, my kitchen towels. My living room area rug is BRIGHT yellow with red striations in it. Lots of red in my clothes. The towels in the guest bath are deep red, along with the clock and shower curtain and other accessories there. My front door is pure, deep, luscious red. I’ve been meaning to plant flowers in pots on my apartment’s very large deck. Ok, will be doing that now, with RED flowers. ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, and I have two red hats.

  5. Rob Arnold says:

    I have a clock with a red and yellow face. One lamp is red. My chair at my computer desk is dark red. One sweater. My wine cork screw is red. Boy, not much! But, wow, a red car, that would be cool. I actually like yellow a lot, but I don’t have much of that around either. Ok, I’m on my way to buy some yellow pillows to brighten up the couch.

  6. Joe says:

    First, I love that trailer interior. If I ever buy a trailer, I’m copying you.
    Second, I really like the red stuff. I didn’t think I liked red. But I guess I do.
    Third, I sure like this blog, camping stuff and other stuff. Thank you. Always something to think about or learn or for me to take off and research. I follow other blogs too but yours is the best.
    What’s red in my life?! Not much! A shirt, one pillow in the living room, not much! My home is really boring. RED is on my shopping list.

  7. Fritzi says:

    Looking around my livingroom, I see almost no red. Anne’s sweater in a picture of my three young children hanging above the piano, a small amount of red in an Afghan covering a chair. A red mouse and address book, and several small red lights. No sense of red at all. The kitchen has even less; some ripe tomatoes and some gorgeous, huge, RED, local strawberries in the frig. (Yum! Totally delicious!!) No red in my bedroom, except some shirts in my closet, or in my bathrooms, either.
    I never realized I was so RED deficient. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜„

  8. Kathie says:

    Gary’s car is named Red Hot because, well it IS! And after43 yrs together I wouldn’t have it any other way!

  9. Henry says:

    The colors in my home are subdued as well. I do have a large red steaming pot on the hob that is used quite often. I have a red hat for winter and my winter pyjamas are red plaid. The covers of several of my books are red and some flowers outside my door. When I walk through my village I now look for the color red and that gives me something to seek.

  10. Lisa says:

    RED! I like red. But then, I like every color. I’m new here so I went back and read your “blue” blog post. what fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ I used to be a firefighter before I retired from that, so I sort of had a BIG red fire engine in my life. But at home, I don’t have much red … some clothes, some artwork. Now that you mention it, and I look around, I’d like to add red to my life here at home now. It shall be done! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Ann says:

    Hi everyone!!! What super comments, memories, ideas, fun stuff and heartfelt too. I love it all.
    Yes, plant red flowers! A red fire truck, cool. A red cork screw counts! Your compliments about the blog, they sure make me smile. ๐Ÿ™‚ Red pyjamas, wow! The color red makes me happy, so I think it should make everyone happy, so get RED.
    Oh, and, indeed … Gary (Kathie’s husband) has a red car that is truly HOT! I wouldn’t be able to compete no matter what other red car I purchased. So maybe I’ll just buy a red bicycle. ๐Ÿ™‚ Vroom, vroom.
    Thanks everyone. This was fun!

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