Life’s blessings

This is a little interruption to my Mossyrock camping trip. I’ll get back to one or two more posts from that trip in just a few days. But because it’s Thanksgiving time here in the USA right now as I type this, I want to share a couple of sweet videos from Becca Wood’s Yellowstone vlog.

As with all videos here, after you start the video, you can click on the lower right-hand square-block image in each video in order to enlarge the video to full-screen. Do remember to turn the sound on before you start the video. 🙂

It’s almost “Thanksgiving Day” here in the USA. It’s a day when many of us take time to remember what we are blessed with, and give thanks for. Ok, maybe it’s just that our socks match, but still, we find ways to give thanks. 🙂

And here’s another Thanksgiving video from Becca …

When I count my blessings, I can’t … they are so many … good health, close loving family, excellent loving friends, a safe and comfortable home, food to feed me, enough money to take care of me, a world around me that is extraordinarily beautiful and has such an abundance of life. May each of you find such blessings too. My very best to everyone.

Thank you. Thank you for the sky. Thank you for the ocean. Thank you for the rain. Thank you for softness. Thank you for hardness and rocks and human crankiness. Thank you for trees. Thank you for music, oh thank you for music. Thank you for my hands. Thank you for holding me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being my friend, forever. Thank you, for my life.



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15 Responses to Life’s blessings

  1. Kathie says:

    Danke. Merci. Gracias. Grazie. Tapadh leat. Dekuji. Xie Xie li. Arigato.
    For all the blessings bestowed upon us, thank you, Lord

  2. Dawn says:

    Lovely post. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  3. Jamie says:

    Very nice!

  4. Rob Arnold says:

    Nice videos. I’ve shared them with a couple of friends. I really like the last two paragraphs you wrote. When you wrote, thank you for my hands, that meant a lot to me. We give thanks for the big things, but sometimes we forget what we take for granted. So tomorrow at dinner with my nephew and his wife and kids, I’m going to give thanks for my hands. Maybe my feet too. 🙂

  5. Melly says:

    Beautiful Auntie💕
    Happy Thanksgiving! See you soon.
    Love, Melly

  6. Tim in Montana says:

    One of the nicest Thanksgiving messages I’ve ever seen, Ann. Thank you. May your socks always match. 🙂

  7. Lori says:

    One of the most difficult things for me as I get older is that no one touches me, no one holds me. When I read the words of thanks in that last paragraph, I felt held, securely held and loved. Thank you. That meant a lot.

    • Susan Kelly says:

      Lori, my great aunt (my mom’s aunt) says the same thing. No one touches her anymore or hugs her or holds her. We’ll be seeing her tomorrow, Thanksgiving, and I’m going to hold her until she can’t stand it! Consider yourself held until you can’t stand it. 🙂

      • Ann says:

        Lori, I hear the same from lots of the seniors who live near me in our home-owned senior community. COVID sure didn’t help. As Susan Kelly says “consider yourself held until you can’t stand it”. I’m really glad you’re here Lori.
        Thank you Susan for such a thoughtful and kind reply.

  8. Babe says:

    I started reading your blog 3 or 4 months ago. Time to subscribe! You are so kind to the planet, animals (and people). You are so curious. And yet you were a diesel truck mechanic! which some people might expect you to be super tough. You sure know the workings of your truck and your trailer, but you are so kind and curious and open-minded. This was one of the best Thanksgiving posts I’ve ever read.

    Kathie … thanks for the Scots Gaelic “thank you”. My grandda spoke gaelic. thank you.

  9. Joe says:

    Thanks. This really felt good.

  10. Henry says:

    It seems that this is a day that every country should have. A day of peace and thankfulness. Lovely words Ann.

  11. Ann says:

    Hi everyone! I had a great Thanksgiving Day, just a quiet comfortable day at the home of friends of mine. We played cards and told stories (funny ones and really heartfelt ones), and they cooked a vegetarian dinner (it was delicious!!) and then we played another round of the card game. I won’t say who won or lost … I’ll just say I need a little more practice. 🙂 I sure hope every one of you readers had a lovely day and are having a great weekend. The comments to this blog post are simply super. Babe, a good chunk of my ancestors are Scots too … fàilte! It’s so nice to have a “day of peace and thankfulness” as Henry says from England. And yes, Tim, my socks match, thank heavens. 🙂 Thanks for the thank yous Kathie, that was cool.

    You folks are the best, whether you comment or not. I give thanks for each and every one of you. Salamat!

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