Pacific Beach State Park, camping!

It’s spring, the weather is great, let’s go camping!

This camping trip to Pacific Beach State Park is a return to Pacific Beach State Park where I’d been camping back in 2018. I loved it then. I bet I’ll love it again. 🙂

This year, in the month of May, I chose a campsite that has an electrical hookup. It will be cold at night this early in the season (I was here in late July in 2018, with the warmth of summer, and didn’t need heat at night). But for this trip, in May, it will be cold at night. I never run my propane furnace when I’m sleeping at night, too much of a risk if there’s a propane leak and I’m already fast asleep. So, just to be comfy and cozy, and safe, I’ll pay a little more and get electricity so I can run my electric heater at night.

Here’s where Pacific Beach State Park is … it’s an easy 2-hour drive from my home with the trailer in tow.

The image below is the state park campground and how I drove into it. If you go here, do not necessarily do what I did. I broke the rules! 🙂 The red line is how I drove in … from the north. And then part way in I stopped … there’s a break in the red line where I stopped. The rules are that I was supposed to turn right, follow that road all the way around, clear through the ENTIRE campground, then curve around and get onto the roadway behind most of the campers, then finally turn left and then turn right and THEN back into my spot. Well, golly gosh, that would take me 20 minutes and a gallon of gasoline. There was absolutely no traffic inside the campground. So I just pulled straight forward, made a little right hand turn on that curve, and backed into my spot. Lickety split, no problem. 🙂

Here I am (below) backed into my campsite, easy as pie. Also, please notice in the photo above that I’m backed up right smack dab next to the beach with a front row view of the Pacific Ocean.

I guess breaking the rules was ok since about 20 minutes after I’d settled into my campsite, all of the kites in the photo below appeared in the sky above me and above the beach. What a great welcoming message!

As mentioned, the back of my trailer looked directly out to the Pacific Ocean. This was a super spot! At times during the week, I’d put my camp chair right behind my trailer, right there in the grasses and in between the rocks, and just sit and enjoy the view of the beach and the Pacific Ocean.

I walked up onto that area behind my trailer, then turned around to look back at my trailer and took the photo below. It was a lovely campground with a small, comfortable, quiet town behind it.

But … let’s get back to that ocean. Below is the view from inside my trailer. My dinette table is immediately below that window, the back window of my trailer. So my views from either side of that dinette, from either of the dinette seats was stunning.

But outside, the views were even better and then, outside, I could also enjoy the breeze and the smells and sounds of Pacific Ocean waves.


As evening settled in, a few people walked the beach one last time before nightfall. And a few people set up camp chairs and built a campfire (all very legal here).

And then eventually the sun set. Wow. I sure was in the right place at the right time.

This was a perfect day. And I’ll be warm and cozy tonight.

Adventures await. Stay tuned. 🙂


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6 Responses to Pacific Beach State Park, camping!

  1. Reader Ruth says:

    Camping, yay! Love your other sorts of blog posts too, but I like your camping ones the best. 🙂 What a sunset!

  2. Rob Arnold says:

    Got a good chuckle about how you drove in, and BROKE THE LAW! Ok, maybe not so much breaking the law. How odd they would want everyone to drive through the entire campground. You’d think it would be safer to do just what you did. That’s one thing I always liked about boating, and bet you did too, there were no roads, no lines on the road, you could go pretty much wherever you wanted, whatever felt best. And there were almost no accidents because everyone was careful. Fun stuff, this blog. Thanks. 🙂

  3. Susan Kelly in Idaho says:

    Camping, yes! 🙂 I will echo that. I like that you don’t use propane while you’re asleep. I have friends who do and rationalize it by saying their propane sensor is on. Well, what if the sensor fails? Or the batteries fail in the sensor ? Even with a hard-wired sensor, if the batteries in your rig drop to low voltage, then your sensor will fail. It’s just not worth the risk in my mind. Good for you. 🙂

  4. Marifran Connolly says:

    No pics!

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