Patio flowers and a bunny rabbit


I thought this post would be the second one about that ocean-going ship that brought those four terrifically huge container-lifting cranes from China to Tacoma … and I would share photos of the ship that I took the next day in the sunshine instead of in the freezing cold, wind-driven snow … with the ship anchored, then at the dock, then with the cranes off-loaded, etc.

But I got waylaid by spring and the flowers around my back patio … and a new visitor.  Spring cannot be postponed!  I do so love spring.  I’ll try to get back to that ship in the next post.

As always, click to enlarge the photos if you wish.  Even the enlarged photos are smaller versions of the originals so if you’d like the original size of any of them, just let me know.







Day Lilies, if I remember correctly … maybe orange ones?  We shall see in a few weeks.

Dwarf Green Striped Bamboo in containers in my front yard.




I forgot about this visitor until I saw the photo again … a busy bee!


I realize that I gave away who my real new visitor was (not the busy bee) by naming this post “Patio flowers and a bunny rabbit”.  A few days after taking the photos of flowers above, I was indoors, walking towards the patio doors, intending to go outside, but was stopped short by the sight below.  I quietly raced to get my camera, hoping she would stay right there until I got back, and she did.




I opened the sliding patio door just a smidgen to chat with her for a moment.  We both stared at each other for a while, quite a while actually.  I also made soft clicking and chirping noises.  And then she quietly and calmly hopped away through a hole in the fence.  I think she said her name was “Alice” and she had just been “in Wonderland”, wherever that is.

She did ask if I was the White Queen, or maybe the Mad Hatter.  Hmm, I’ve been called worse.  🙂


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6 Responses to Patio flowers and a bunny rabbit

  1. Kristin says:

    My heart goes out to you in this time of bleakness.

    • Ann says:

      Ah yes, spring is so bleak … not! 🙂 I have such a tough life having a patio with all manner of beautiful flowers and handsome critters who come to visit me. I am kept so busy taking photos and watching things grow and visiting with my critter friends that it practically wears me out! My thanks to you for your commiseration and sympathy for my difficult life, Kristin. Ha! 🙂

  2. Dawn in Michigan says:

    Flowers and bunnies always distract me too. Nice visit with Alice, hopefully she’ll hope back into your world sometime.

    • Ann says:

      I was amazed that she just sat there and looked right at me, but also looked around and wiggled her nose and just seemed so comfortable. I hope she’ll come hopping back one day too. 🙂

  3. Ginger D says:

    Your flowers are so pretty. I love the bunny

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