Ok, I’m home now from that wonderful week at Big Creek Campground. You can bet that campground is on my list for a repeat trip!
In the meantime, I’ve done a bit of digital housekeeping on this blog app. And I’m prepping a few new blog posts for your pleasure prior to my next camping trip.
One of the things I do with this blog is keep track of all of the countries from which someone reads this blog. The list is getting long! Here’s the current list of 56 countries …
Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Laos, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam.
I’m surprised and pleased that many people from many of these countries are repeat readers. If anyone from any country would like to comment, please do so.
Which brings me to the “comment” part of the blog. I love comments! Please feel free to comment on the photos … which one is your favorite, identify plants/flowers for me, etc. Please feel free to share information that I haven’t included about where I’ve been … or information about other similar locations that you’ve been to … or your own stories of camping at the same place I’ve been to … or other places I might like. Please share technical information about trailering or the truck and how you do things that might help me or that are just different from the way I do things. It all helps. Tell a joke, ask a question, share information, or just say hi … all comments are welcome.
Also … please share this blog with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and other folks you know who are/were RVers/campers, and with anyone who isn’t a camper. Some of the regular readers of this blog are folks who likely never will go RVing, so they get to enjoy camping through this blog. Here’s the link to share: http://travelswithtowhee.com/.
Click on photos to enlarge them. The photos I post here are small versions of my original photos. If you dream of having a copy of any particular photo, just let me know and I will email the original large one to you.
I think that’s it for now as far as “housekeeping” is concerned. I’ll leave you with two photos below. I sometimes mention that I don’t sit and read and relax around the campsite as much as some other campers do. I’m usually up and around and out and about in the big white truck exploring and enjoying the surrounding area.
These two photos below will give you an idea of why I don’t sit and read for very long. Both photos were taken by friends of mine. Both photos were taken of me while I was on my 1940 Matthews cruising sedan powerboat a few years ago.
Both photos were taken right after I had put my book down …
That is (was) my dog, Alex, in the photo above. She didn’t care about reading either, and was always happy to fall asleep in my arms even with her life jacket on.

In both photos I’m sound asleep! In fact, in the second photo, you can see my friend reflected in the window as he took the photo while standing on the dock next to my boat. He told me later that my book (that I had been reading) had simply fallen in a heap onto the floor … I hadn’t even bothered to set it aside. Friends of mine used to tease me when I told them I was going to sit down and read … they all knew what would happen in short order. Eventually, I just gave up and said “hey, I’m going to go have a nap!”
So, in the end, my thought is for everyone to do what you enjoy, see things that please you, live where you want to, love whom you wish, read any darned book you want to, and sleep whenever it suits you. It works for me! 🙂
Hi Ann. That is amazing that your blog has reached so many countries. It would be cool if everyone just said hi, and where they are from.
I have fallen asleep while playing a game on my tablet. Lol
Hi everyone…I am from Las Vegas, Nevada. USA
I’m a vicarious camper and love Ann’s blog, as well as loving the author.
I’m from Portland/Maui.
Ann and I go way back to college days.
I admire her for her intellect, her adventurous spirit, but most of all for her heart.
Keep the blogs coming!
Hi, I’m from southeastern Kansas and one of those who doesn’t camp.
Such a sweet picture of you with Alex!
Hi, I’m from Davisburg Michigan, and I’m a wanta be RVer. Currently I camp a few times a summer in my tent with my dog Katie. My camping season is short in a tent in Michigan, so I’d love a RV…but am a bit scared of maintaining it myself…plus my husband has zero interest in RVing. Someday though….
Hi, I’m from the Chicago area and just started RVing at this time last year. Ann’s stories are always filled with history, nature, and beautiful photos. Keep them coming!
Dillon, Montana, USA here. Love this blog, wouldn’t want to be without it.
When I worked on the railroad, we lived in South Normanton in Nottinghamshire. But I live in Leicester now near my daughter and her family. That’s in England. Most interesting blog.
We just finished our RVing adventures in the US, we’re from Cheshire, England
Hey, Ginger, you started a great thing! I’ll wait a few days yet before I post another blog. I hope more folks will say hi and say where they are from. This is terrific. 🙂
Thanks, Ann. Came back to read your new post, and all the comments. I love it.
We’re from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. We have a class C motorhome and are considering purchasing a travel trailer instead to give us the freedom to travel around while camped, like Ann does. I think we have commented once here. Although we are very quiet, we do love this blog!
P.S. Surely wish Escape Trailer made a slightly larger trailer with a walk-around bed. Even the 5th wheel they make is only 21-feet and a bit small for us.
Hi Jim & Janey … just saw your comment pop up. You must be online right this instant. 🙂 There are LOTS of folks who are asking Escape Trailer to add a larger trailer to their line, not a 5th-wheel, but a standard trailer that’s a bit longer than my 21-footer and maybe a bit wider so it can accommodate a walk-around queen size bed. If you haven’t contacted them directly, doing so might get them to move a little faster. I worked with a sales rep named Linda Fedoruk; if she’s still there, she might be a great resource for you.
Yes, we are online, and just re-reading some of your first blog posts. You share some great information! Ok, we will call Escape and see if Linda is still there. It’s nice to have the name of someone, makes us feel a bit more comfortable contacting them. Thank you!
Bet y’all can guess where I’m from. 🙂
Guess where I’m from too! 🙂
I comment only once a month or so maybe less but I too love the blog.
Nevada…you and I are from the same state!
Just gotta say … Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA here. Hi everyone!!
Hi Sean
Years ago, many years ago, we lived in Adelaide, Australia. But we’re now in Gary, Indiana, near the kids, one of whom works in the RV construction industry here.
Thanks for all of the great comments and howdy-do’s everyone. If anyone else wants to say hi here, wants just to say hi, nothing else needed, everyone is more than welcome to do that, any time. And if you want to say even more than that, please don’t be shy. 🙂
I follow a blog of an English fellow who lives in his RV (known as a “caravan” in Europe). He travels England and Scotland and several countries in Europe especially eastern Europe. I comment on his blog occasionally, though mostly I simply enjoy his writing and his adventures. It’s great to hear from people like Mike & Carole (above) who are from England and who are RV-ing here in the USA (and Canada?). I hope you folks had a great time and took home some terrific memories.
Ok, I’m about ready to publish another blog post with news and photos about a few more truck/trailer upgrades … give me a day or two and you’ll be seeing it right here.