
Hello .. pull up a chair and sit awhile!

I just started a brand new adventure and would love to share it with you.  After years of working, I’m now retired.  And after years of boating, I’m now a landlubber.  With all of that out of the way, I bought an RV travel trailer and a pickup truck and I’m heading out to see some brand new (to me) corners of this world!

In between RV camping trips, I enjoy local day trips close to home in order to see things I’ve not seen before.  I also love road trips that last for several days where I can appreciate the comfort of a nice B&B or country inn.  And, free from the cost of boat ownership, I am able to take an occasional international flight to see other parts of this amazing world.  I’m looking forward to all of these travels and will share the best parts of these excursions here.  So come on along and enjoy the ride!

Every time I write a blog post, it will appear on “THE BLOG” page of this website (there is a link to that page “THE BLOG” up at the top of every one of these webpages).  You can check back here every so often to see if there is a new blog post, or you can sign up (see next paragraph) to receive an email notification of each new blog post.  As well, all posts will be archived (there is a link to “BLOG ARCHIVES” at the bottom of the right-hand column on each of these webpages).

To sign up to receive a very brief email notification of each new blog post, use the form at the top of the column to the right … enter your email address, then click “Subscribe”, and then check your email inbox to confirm your choice.  You might also be taken to a webpage where you will need to “save changes”.  That’s it.  Nothing more to it.  🙂  When a new blog post is published, you will receive a brief text-only email telling you there is a new post and giving you the link to that post (actually the email notification will say “Read more of this post” and that will be the link to the new post).  You can click on the link in that email to read the blog post, or you can delete that email and be on your way without reading the blog post … your choice.

You are more than welcome to add a comment below each blog post (please do!) … share your own stories and experiences, choose your favorite photo, ask a question, or answer a question that I’ve asked or that another reader has asked, just say hi, or not write anything at all but simply read and enjoy.  However much you want to share while riding along on this adventure is just fine with me.  But please do comment if you feel like it.  I love comments.  Your comments are what make this blog fun for me.

So, welcome!   Thanks for coming along.  Now let’s get going!  You can jump right to the current blog post here … or you can start from the beginning of my journey here.

  • Find out what a “Towhee” is here.
  • Read all about Ann (that’s me) here.
  • 2017 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • 2018 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • 2019 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • 2020 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • 2021 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • 2022 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • 2023 camping destinations here (with one photo from each destination).
  • Read the very first blog post here (you can then read them in chronological order).
  • Jump right to the current blog post here.